Directed by RuchiNarain, Hanuman: Da’ Damdaar was released in June 2017 and is an animated jungle adventure film. Bollywood actor Salman Khan voices the older Hanuman in the film and also unveiled the motion poster for the film during the Hanuman Jayanti celebration. The film also stars Arnav Nathani, Hussain Dalal, Javed Akhtar, Chunky Pandey and RaveenaTandon amongst others.
Ashwathama the immortal is set in one the 14 realms of the universe which is beyond our time and logic. It falls under the RPG genre and is a fast paced hard-core game. It a based on Hindu Lore’s and a mix of science and magic to it.
Produced by Vimal Shah under the banner of Phoebus Media, Bhavik Thakore’s‘Dashavatar’ is an Indian animated mythological film. The veteran actor Shatrughan Sinha narrated through the entire film.
Diving right into the game-Ashwathama the immortal you dragged into the an post Apocalyptic world where has stood still for the protagonist and he must fight a battle with hordes of mythical creatures and beasts and defy all odds to ensure his demise to end his curse!! Sounds like a roller coaster ride up for grabs.
Hanuman Superhero
During the events of Fight of the legend, both the forces of light and darkness have been annihilated, with only the thunder god Indra and the lord of the hell Narakasur remaining to represent them
Srijla Guha
Katya was apparently orphaned as a child when she was trapped in a temple as debdashi during early 15th century. Jitantak a fighter pilot, found her in the inferno and rescued her.