The Croods 2
produced Scheduled to release in 2020, The Croods 2 is a 3D computer animated adventure comedy by DreamWorks Animation. It is the sequel to ‘The Croods’ released in 2013 and stars Nicolas Cage, Emma Stone, Clark Duke, Cloris Leachman, Ryan Reynolds and Catherine Keener. Lisa Mann will join the cast for this film. Directors Chris Sanders and Kirk de Micco have also written the film.
The movie revolves around a cave family called The Croods, who will face their biggest threat since leaving their home: the existence of another family!
Since the prequel became such a huge hit, even being nominated for Best Animated film at the Oscars, it seemed obvious that a sequel would be on the way, but it was cancelled halfway through. It has now been announced that The Croods 2, will rise again and will tentatively hit the screens in September, 2020.
The entire movie is computer animated and is a humor filled family entertainment. Alan Silvestri, who worked on the Music and scoring for the first film, will most likely be back for the sequel as well. People are already looking forward to the film’s release and are dreading the wait!
N.B: All images are property of the creator of the movie along with the characters, we are just writing review of the movie.