Maya the bee 2:The honey games is an Australian- German animated comedy adventure movie released on 2nd of February,2018 in Poland and later worldwide. The movie is directed by Noel Cleary, Sergio Delfino & Alex Staderman and is inspired from the 1975 anime Maya the Honey Bee and the German Children’s Book “The Adventures of Maya the Bee” by Waldemer Bonsel. The movie’s casts includes Coco Gillies as “Maya”, Benson Jack Anthony as “Willy”(maya’s best friend), Richard Rozburgh as “Flip”, Justin Clarke as “The Oueen” and Linda Ngo as “Violet” in main characters who did absolutely fantastic Job.
Posted in 3D animation, Movie Reviews, VFX
Tagged 3D, animated movie, animation, animation for kids, anime, kids animation, VFX